Friday, July 16, 2010

A Disoriented Sense of Traffic!!

I have been riding two wheelers since I was 15- 16. But my training on driving and traffic sense began much before that when my dad used to take me along to drop me to school, shopping etc. He always spoke about the importance of anticipation, awareness and alertness while walking on the road or driving. Just recently I have started driving my car, not an expert though.

Whatever little experience I have in driving, I cannot help notice the lack of traffic sense and awareness of basic traffic rules in pedestrians and motorists. . Whether it is using the dipper inside the city or when a vehicle is approaching from the other side, total disregard for speed limits or one way signs, turning without giving an indication, the result is disruption of the 'what is supposed to be smooth' flow of traffic often leading to traffic jams and inconvenience.

In my city, Kochi, most of the roads are narrow and most of them are marred with potholes and puddles, the total irreverence to traffic rules and lack of traffic sense only add to the misery! I guess the same is true in many cities in India.

During my school days we used to have seminars on traffic safety guidelines and rules. These were to be followed by us as pedestrians/drivers/ passenger in order to increase safety or reduce the risk of accidents. I think there needs to be more of such Training Sessions for adults also!Most importantly, drivers of Heavy Vehicles/transport vehicles have to be given specific training on safe driving

There is no training given on traffic rules and regulations by most driving schools that we enroll in. The one exception that I know to this is the Maruti Driving School, where the there is proper training given on each aspect of driving, from the basics of the car, traffic regulations etc. I feel such kind of training is required to be given to every driving license holder. Otherwise what is the need to a driving license??? It is easy to learn how to ride a two wheeler or drive a four wheeler, but what is required in addition to this is to ensure proper training to these prospective drivers in order to avoid accidents and other inconveniences.


Unknown said...

so so true dear....completely agree

craving to love life said...

welcome to the mess :)