Rendered speechless!
I am still looking for a perfect answer that would satisfy both me and the person asking that question...
Do I talk about of my flair for writing/sketching?
Do I talk about my interest in analysing situations/ problem (of and for others :P) and coming out with 'creative' solutions!
Do I talk about the stupid/intelligent but creative one liners I sometimes pop while conversing/chatting with friends!!
Then again I find these kinds of questions absurd.
First of all I believe that all of us are creative though not in the most obvious ways. But isn't it true that all of us dream and other than the artists, musicians, authors there are some of us who can 'spin' great stories, cook innovative dishes, dress up in different styles and looks, make houses look like homes in different designs and create different kinds of ambiance and so many other way that we all use our creativity.And not all of these make for convincing answers!! :)
There is so much to talk about and share and personally I am not able to sum it up in few sentences which would also spark an interest in the listener... so whenever I am asked that question... I go blank and say something (which am sure is neither impressive nor interesting!) just to go to the next question...
Which may be equally confounded like - Where do you see yourselves five/ten years from now!! :D I do not really want to get into the nuances of answering that question right now... I think that would make for another good write up later on! So any suggestions on answering the creativity question is welcome!!